A Reason For Handwriting A Student Worktext - Manuscript

A Reason For Handwriting A Student Worktext - Manuscript

Publisher: A Reason For

This program is traditional and uses scripture for practice. Each colorful book contains approx. 175 pages, 27 - 32 weekly lessons with writing practice pages in the back and are consumable. Level A would be the 1st grade, level B is 2nd, etc. The new Transition Book is to be used as a substitute for Level B, or Level C. If you want to introduce cursive to your second grader, then you would omit Level B. If you want to wait till 3rd grade to introduce cursive, then omit Level C.

In Level A, each weekly lesson begins with a reminder of a general guideline (letter formation, posture, paper placement, etc).

Day One: Students work on letter strokes and combinations from the Verse of the Week. Students are given room to practice each letter several times.

Day Two: Students continue practicing letter strokes and combinations from the Verse of the Week. Emphasis is on proper letter formation.

Day Three: Good handwriting is based on consistent practice. Day Three continues with new letters and words from the Verse of the Week.

Day Four: Good handwriting transfers to other settings. On Day Four, students practice this by writing out the entire Verse of the Week on notebook paper. They then select and begin to color a Scripture Border Sheet from the back of their Worktext.

Day Five: Using their very best handwriting, students write the Verse of the Week on the Border Sheet and finish decorating it - ready for sharing!

A Reason For® Handwriting was designed to teach elementary handwriting, using a Scripture translation with simple, easy-to-understand vocabulary was essential. The Living Bible paraphrase meets these criteria. We also suggest that you encourage students to compare these verses with the translation you use for in-depth Bible study.

ISBN 9780936785387, 0936785381 
SKU 1085381

Book Title A Reason For Handwriting A Student Worktext - Manuscript
Publisher: A Reason For

This program is traditional and uses scripture for practice. Each colorful book contains approx. 175 pages, 27 - 32 weekly lessons with writing practice pages in the back and are consumable. Level A would be the 1st grade, level B is 2nd, etc. The new Transition Book is to be used as a substitute for Level B, or Level C. If you want to introduce cursive to your second grader, then you would omit Level B. If you want to wait till 3rd grade to introduce cursive, then omit Level C.

In Level A, each weekly lesson begins with a reminder of a general guideline (letter formation, posture, paper placement, etc).

Day One: Students work on letter strokes and combinations from the Verse of the Week. Students are given room to practice each letter several times.

Day Two: Students continue practicing letter strokes and combinations from the Verse of the Week. Emphasis is on proper letter formation.

Day Three: Good handwriting is based on consistent practice. Day Three continues with new letters and words from the Verse of the Week.

Day Four: Good handwriting transfers to other settings. On Day Four, students practice this by writing out the entire Verse of the Week on notebook paper. They then select and begin to color a Scripture Border Sheet from the back of their Worktext.

Day Five: Using their very best handwriting, students write the Verse of the Week on the Border Sheet and finish decorating it - ready for sharing!

A Reason For® Handwriting was designed to teach elementary handwriting, using a Scripture translation with simple, easy-to-understand vocabulary was essential. The Living Bible paraphrase meets these criteria. We also suggest that you encourage students to compare these verses with the translation you use for in-depth Bible study.

ISBN 9780936785387, 0936785381 
SKU 1085381