Intro to Biblical Greek (Teacher Guide)

Intro to Biblical Greek (Teacher Guide)

Publisher: R.O.C.K. Solid Home School Books

Grow in your knowledge of the New Testament Scriptures with Master Books’ Intro to Biblical Greek. This engaging, video-based course for 10th – 12th-grade students and adults will help you begin to properly translate the Scriptures and protect you from being misled by false teachers. This one-semester course can be easily accomplished through 15-30 minute lessons scheduled three days a week.

Don't let the name Teacher Guide confuse you. This consumable book includes a weekly lesson schedule, student worksheets, quizzes & tests, and an answer key.  It is perforated and has three-hole-punched pages.

Book Title Intro to Biblical Greek (Teacher Guide)
Publisher: R.O.C.K. Solid Home School Books

Grow in your knowledge of the New Testament Scriptures with Master Books’ Intro to Biblical Greek. This engaging, video-based course for 10th – 12th-grade students and adults will help you begin to properly translate the Scriptures and protect you from being misled by false teachers. This one-semester course can be easily accomplished through 15-30 minute lessons scheduled three days a week.

Don't let the name Teacher Guide confuse you. This consumable book includes a weekly lesson schedule, student worksheets, quizzes & tests, and an answer key.  It is perforated and has three-hole-punched pages.