Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology Student Text, 2nd Edition

Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology Student Text, 2nd Edition

Publisher: Apologia Educ. Ministries
Author: Sherri Seligson
This award-winning marine biology curriculum is now more colorful and exciting than ever! The updated second edition takes your student under the sea to explore the many wonders of marine wildlife and habitats. Topics covered in this edition include everything from microscopic organisms that make life in the ocean possible to macroscopic marine creatures such as clams, starfish, and sharks. Students will discover how these creatures and their physical surroundings form marine ecosystems such as intertidal zones, estuaries, coral reefs, continental shelf communities, epipelagic communities, and deep-ocean communities.
This is the student text only.
ISBN 9781946506610  SKU 3310950
Book Title Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology Student Text, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Apologia Educ. Ministries
Author Sherri Seligson
This award-winning marine biology curriculum is now more colorful and exciting than ever! The updated second edition takes your student under the sea to explore the many wonders of marine wildlife and habitats. Topics covered in this edition include everything from microscopic organisms that make life in the ocean possible to macroscopic marine creatures such as clams, starfish, and sharks. Students will discover how these creatures and their physical surroundings form marine ecosystems such as intertidal zones, estuaries, coral reefs, continental shelf communities, epipelagic communities, and deep-ocean communities. This is the student text only.   ISBN 9781946506610  SKU 3310950